The “Roma Doc” denomination may be borne by seven types of white wine (“bianco,” “Classico bianco,” “Bellone,” “Classico Bellone,” “Malvasia puntinata,” “Classico Malvasia puntinata,” and “Romanella spumante”); two types of rosé wine (“rosato” and “Classico rosato”); and four types of red wine (“rosso,” “Classico rosso,” “rosso Riserva,” and “Classico rosso Riserva”). The “classico” specification is allowed for wines of the most ancient area of origin, which is to say that closest to the urban territory of Rome, except for the Romanella “spumante” type and the sweet version.


The varieties cultivated in the denomination’s geographic area are suitable for making the wines: Malvasia del Lazio, Bellone, Bombino bianco, Trebbiano giallo e verde for white wines; Montepulciano, Cesanese di Affile, Cesanese comune, and Sangiovese for red wines. (Other varieties with white and red grapes, suitable for cultivation for the Lazio Region, may be used for up to a maximum quantity of 15% in the blends).


For new farms as well, the forms of growing, the layouts, and the pruning systems are traditional, and are established for the purpose of obtaining wine production yields within the limits set by the regulations (84 hl/ha for whites and 70 hl/ha for reds and rosés).

Within these parameters, each wine cellar determines its own viticultural rules, fostering and valorising their potential for the finest production that can be obtained from a nature that has already been highly generous.

753 A.C. Ab Urbe Condita Roma Doc Bianco
753 A.C. Ab Urbe Condita Roma Doc Rosso
753 A.C. Ab Urbe Condita Roma Doc Spumante Brut
753 Roma DOP Rosso
753 Rosso Roma DOC
Albagia - Roma DOC Malvasia Puntinata
Consoli DOC Roma Rosso
Consoli DOC Roma Malvasia Puntinata
Cremera - Roma DOC Malvasia Puntinata
Cremera - Roma DOC Rosso Classico
Doc Roma
DOC Roma Bianco Bio
DOC Roma Rosso Bio
DOP Roma Bellone
Il Laschetto - Malvasia Puntinata Roma DOC
L'ardente - Roma DOC Rosso
Lecino - Roma DOC Rosso
Malvasia Puntinata Roma DOC
Mater Divini Amoris Roma Doc Malvasia Puntinata
Mater Divini Amoris Roma Doc Rosso
Roma Capoccia - Roma DOC Rosso
Roma Capoccia Roma DOC Bianco
Roma DOC
Roma DOC
Roma DOC Bellone
Roma DOC Bianco
Roma DOC Bianco
Roma Doc Bianco
Roma DOC Edizione Limitata
Roma DOC Malvasia Puntinata
Roma Doc Malvasia Puntinata
Roma DOC Malvasia Puntinata
Roma DOC Malvasia Puntinata
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