Vini ROMA D.O.C.

Cantina Gaffino

Company name
Cantina Gaffino
  • Retail service
  • Tasting service
  • Wine cellar visit service

We are deeply rooted in our territory, a land suited to wine production and with a winemaking history over two thousand years. We want to offer quality wines, which are an expression of the values of the territory and of the passion that, for almost sixty years, our family has dedicated them. We only use our own grapes to produce our wines;we won’t be able to control quality any other way.

You will find our name on our bottle, made with our grapes, from our vineyards… Because we deeply believe in what we do; our wines reflect our modern philosophy of production, without never forgetting the past teachings that characterize our immense cultural baggage

We are based a few kilometers south of rome, and the company extends for a surface of 32 hectares, of which 28 are vineyards. We are lucky to have all the characteristics to give to the vine and its fruit, all that is needed to guarantee a healthy and balanced growth: geographic position, volcanic soils origin, the right exposure and an altitude on the see level.

Via Ardeatina km 24.650

DOC Wines