The territory where Roma Doc wines are made
Geographic production area
Wines that bear the Roma Doc Denomination are made within the geographic area of the central part of the Lazio region, which extends over a vast area that includes the coastal territories, the Sabine Hills, the Alban Hills, the Monti Prenestini, and part of the Roman countryside in the province of Rome.
Geological area – the soil
The formation of the area devoted to making Roma Doc wines dates to the Quaternary (or Neozoic), the most recent geological period – the one we live in today –, marked by two main geological units: the first one, that of the flat areas of the Tiber and Aniene valleys, is home to marine sediments consisting of a substratum of alluvial deposits.
In the second one, the internal one determined by eruptions of the Latium Volcano and dating to the late Pliocene Epoch, the terrains are composed of various types of tuff, upon which ashes and lapilli have been deposited in layers of considerable thickness and cemented in varying degrees. In general, these are highly draining soils, particularly suited to cultivating vineyards.
The search for better terrains brought about the exclusion of those located at excessively low elevations, which are unsuited for quality wine-growing.
The elevation of the lands planted with vines is between 0 and 600 metres above sea level, with a variable slope; general exposure is oriented towards the west, south, and southwest. Slopes and exposure are two elements fundamental for determining an airy and light climate, guaranteeing a healthy and rich development of the grapes that go into making Roma Doc wines. The climate is of the temperate-Mediterranean type, and is characterized by more abundant average precipitation in the areas at higher elevations. Temperatures are higher in the months of July and August and lower from November to April, with considerable temperature differences in the hilly zones. These factors determine the development of the wine’s aromas, making the area delimited for the production of Roma Doc wines a territory highly suited for the production of prized wines.